Monday, September 28, 2009

선덕여왕 (Queen Seon Deok 《善德女王》)

우리나라 최초의 여성 임금인 선덕여왕의 이야기를 다루고 있는 드라마이다. 덕만공주가 온갖 시련과 시험을 거쳐 우리나라 최초의 여왕이자 신라 제27대 왕인 선덕여왕 자리에 오르기까지의 과정을 생동감 있게 그린 작품이..


덕만공주 (이요원 분)
신라 27대 이금 선덕여왕. 미실에게 모든 궈력이 집중된 정세 속에, 진평왕과 마야부인 사이에서 여자 쌍둥이가 태어난다. 쌍둥이는 '어출쌍생이면 성골남진(임금에게서 ..

미실 (고현정 분)
진흥왕, 진지왕, 진평왕 등에게 색공한 후궁. 선덕여왕의 최대의 맞수. 뛰어난 미모와 엄청난 색공술을 무기로 왕들과 화랑들을 휘어잡았던 여걸이자 뛰어난 정치 감각과 ..

김유신 (엄태웅 분)
신라의 명장이자 대신. 신라 정치 세력 중 가야파. 어머니 만명공주와 아버지 김서현이 왕실의 극심한 반대속에 도주를 감행하면서 낳은 아들이 김유신이다. 어린 시절부..

천명공주 (박예진 분)
덕만공주의 쌍둥이 언니, 진평왕의 첫째딸. 덕만공주와 마찬가지로 불길한 신탁 속에 태어났으나 살아남아 화려한 궁에서 예쁘고 귀품있는 공주로 자라난다. 미실의 경계..

앨범제목 : 선덕여왕 (MBC 월화드라마)
아티스트 : Various Artists
발매국가 : 한국
발매날짜 : 2009.09.14
장  르 : 드라마
시대별 : 2009년

01 Main Title / 박정식
02 유리잔 /서민영
03 미실 테마 /김희진 [O.S.T.]
04 달을 가리운 해 /이소정
05 발밤발밤 /홍광호
06 바람꽃 (E.S) / 예송
07 아라로 /아이유(IU)
08 도리안(到離岸)/ 조윤정
09 비재(比才)/이시우 [O.S.T.]
10 Passo Dopo Passo / Paul Potts(폴 포츠)
11 바람꽃 (E.S) /아이유(IU)
12 Come, People Of God /이소정
13 사라(紗羅) / 이시우 [O.S.T.]
14 가질 수 없는.. 안을 수 없는.. / 김형준 [OST]
15 Destruction Of The Kingdom / 송재경 [O.S.T.]
16 덕만 테마 /엄기엽
17 하눌나리 /엄기엽
18 낭장결의 / 김희진 [O.S.T.]
19 Dreams / 김희진 [O.S.T.]
20 The Rising Empire/ 송재경 [O.S.T.]

Friday, August 28, 2009


한국 영화 "궁S" 좋아합니다. 무척 좋았어요. 배우 놀라운있습니다. 궁궐을 배경으로 정말 인상적입니다. 음악이 매우 멋지 네요.

당신과 같은 것입니다.

여기에 4 메인 캐릭터 "궁S"위치:

이후(영성공) - 세븐(최동욱)
양순의 – 허이재
이준(문성공) – 강두
신세령 – 박신혜

궁S > HowL - Miracle

Saturday, August 8, 2009


... and we, in unison, agreed on a lunch spot before going on to shopping for the afternoon.

Any difference in taste, in environment, in atmosphere, in recipe, or may be in services, from outlet to outlet?

Anyway, they were all a happy bunch then because they get to take their favorite, fries. That's the key item not to be missed, though knowing very well it is classified as junk food!

The success in advertisement and branding clearly brought huge revenues to both the corporate and franchise owners.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Greatest Stars Fallen - Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett

News broke out on the death of Farrah Fawcett, followed by Michael Jackson. Particularly significant right after Michael's; internet traffics peaked in an unprecedented manner that brought down many news and social sites...people from the whole world raced to get a piece of the latest news, write their reactions, download photos and songs, etc. It was explosive, and analysts anticipated the trend will continue for few days to a week, though internet traffics "almost" back to normal.

Fans around the world mourn the lost of the great superstars, as Farrah and Michael may have touched their lives in many ways. Both of them redefined the trends in entertainment industry.

Tribute to Farrah and Michael!!

(no images attached to avoid loading delay as internet may continue be experiencing slowness)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

In Memory - Sam's on Yonge and Dundas

It was among the landmarks along Yonge Street in Toronto, not too far from the Eatons Center. This Sam store is famous for carrying virtually every available records that you would like to have but probably not able to get it elsewhere. For those who hunt for classic releases, will probably have better luck find them hiding at one corner in Sam-the-Recod-Man. If not, one can even request a special order from its friendly staff, who did well in helping their clients.

We used to frequent the shop few times a quater for new albums and singles. I found the "Delta Force" original sound tracks here as everywhere seemed to have shortage of supply. Whenever walking past the shop, wouldn't miss the chance to pop in for a quick look-around.

It was sad to see the shop closed down for good 2 years ago. It's a legacy. I was told that it maintains a branch open in Belleville, though???!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Sharing this beautiful poster of Toronto skyline with you. Enjoy the view...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Little Prince Charming

The youngest of the siblings has his temper. Adorable most of the times, he demands things be back to its' original form and be placed or organized accordingly. It's probably a good behavior while it's amazing to have demonstrated by a two-year old.

The little prince charming would take a bottle of milk upon waking up in the morning, usually around 7am. Then he would join the sister for breakfast at 8am for a small cup of hot-choc, sometimes with biscuits, breads, or half-boiled egg. Not to forget, that he loves the Indian delicacy - "roti canai" too.

Surprisingly, he likes to drink "Chinese tea" since he was one-year old. He will not miss it whenever he sees us enjoying tea session (as we are learning the culture)...and he's serious about it.

He is now learning agressively to speak and able to utter meaningful words.

Little Prince Charming seen here posing with his 6 year-old sister.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

In Memory - CN Tower

CN Tower (Canadian National Tower) is a 550-meter tall structure situated by Lake Ontario, nearby the stadium that houses BlueJays.

Look carefully from the ground up, you will discover a minor twist on the building structure that many said was due to earth rotation impact during construction.

On the top deck, the Tower houses many broadcasting and communication entries, televisions and radios inclusive.

The skypod includes a floor for visitors to enjoy panoramic views of the skyline and a glass floor that can see through the ground. There is a disco entertainment claimed to be the highest disco club in the world.

Talk about disco, here's couple of treats on 80's popular songs:

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams

Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls

Madonna - Into the groove

Thursday, May 28, 2009

In Memory - Scarborough Ontario

Scarborough? Been there once to visit my cousin sister some 20 years ago.

It was not really a pleasant trip in my memory, though it was great to meet my cousin whom I have not met for 10 years. And since the occasion, it has been 20+ years now that we have not been meeting, again. This is life... I guess.

I traveled from Toronto (Dundas to be exact) on TTC subway and connecting bus. Got down at a bus stop and then walked some 20+ minutes in the cold with snow flurry, I finally found the house. Ring the bell, she answered the door and welcomed me in.

After few hours of chatting, we bid farewell in the evening. Traversing my path to the bus stop, I waited for nearly 30 minutes in the freezing cold weather before a bus arrived.

Photos: TTC bus picking up passenger, subway station signage, and streetcars.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Haur's admission to hospital


Following are some notes taken on the incident for personal reference:

Re: Haur Admission.
*16:20 Sat 2009.05.23
1pm arrived home fr sports day, Haur stomachache didn't lunch, rest after medicine.
3pm Haur in pain & send to LSC, jams along the way.
4pm arrived LSC
410pm doc gave pain killer injection.
425pm do admission reg.
440pm go to room P10, waiting 4 doc. Tech drawn blood for test.
5pm Huay & pi go cafe for tea cake-choc
620pm go do Xray, Joanne dropped by.
7pm done Xray back to room. Haur goes washroom.
8pm 3 of us out for dinner. Haur said nurse induce to pass motion.
850pm back to hospital
855pm Haur brushes teeth
950pm Huay found $10 give to mi.
955pm take pillow for mi & go home. Huay tired, slept in car.
1045pm arrived home, tea, shower.
1135pm went sleep, mi informed Haur changed room.
*18:18 Sun 2009.05.24
1030am wake up late, Huay still sleeping... surprise!
1100am quick prep, breakfast, and go out. Fill gas, buy drink'g water.
1230pm Huay & pi arrived LSC pick up Haur & mi, go to QW. Buy some stuff & late lunch @ sKing. Haur looks good, can eat.
430pm arrived home. Tired.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Breakfast - Indian cuisine

Saturday morning, we were there at the restaurant quite early for "roti canai." Indian "roti" is made of flour paste into dough, lightly fried after spinning it into a [very] thin piece (yes!'s a specially trained skill). The chef will prepare the food there and then upon your ordering. So, it is (and should be) served to you fresh from the pan, hot and crunchy. "Roti" is best served with a cup of hot "pull tea." (...while the "pull tea" story will be an interesting topic involving my buddy in Austin, write about that some other time...)

Our children fell in love with this authentic Indian cuisine ever since trying it some time ago.

Look! Our two-year old young little prince charming was enjoying the delicious delicacy... dipping a small piece into a bow of flavored curry source before sending into his tiny mouth. Mmmmmmmm.... Yummy Yummy!

You might want to try it yourself. Visit an Indian food outlet near you today.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Harvest - Starfruits

First batch of the starfruits riped and "harvested" from the garden. There are many more hanging and growing there on the tree.

We used to plant coconut trees, sugar cane, lady's fingers, lime, papaya trees, and mango trees in our yard.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Little Princess

This picture of our young little princess was taken at her 8th month.

She is now 6 years old, attending pre-school, and will be going to elementary school next year.

Isn't she cute?