Friday, August 28, 2009


한국 영화 "궁S" 좋아합니다. 무척 좋았어요. 배우 놀라운있습니다. 궁궐을 배경으로 정말 인상적입니다. 음악이 매우 멋지 네요.

당신과 같은 것입니다.

여기에 4 메인 캐릭터 "궁S"위치:

이후(영성공) - 세븐(최동욱)
양순의 – 허이재
이준(문성공) – 강두
신세령 – 박신혜

궁S > HowL - Miracle

Saturday, August 8, 2009


... and we, in unison, agreed on a lunch spot before going on to shopping for the afternoon.

Any difference in taste, in environment, in atmosphere, in recipe, or may be in services, from outlet to outlet?

Anyway, they were all a happy bunch then because they get to take their favorite, fries. That's the key item not to be missed, though knowing very well it is classified as junk food!

The success in advertisement and branding clearly brought huge revenues to both the corporate and franchise owners.